Membership and Annual Subscriptions

The NAA is a Member’s Organisation.  There are 2 classes of Membership – Individuals and organisations.


The 2 Types of Membership – Individuals and Organisations:

The eligibility for membership is:

  1. Individual Members – any serving, retired and past Officers, Warrant Officers and Other Ranks of the Royal Artillery Reserve or Regular Reserve (referred to as “an individual Member”); and
  2. Member Organisations – any Royal Artillery Reserve Regiment, Batteries (including the Squadrons of the Honourable Artillery Company) and Royal Artillery badged detachments of the Army Cadet Force and the Combined Cadet Force

All 7 Royal Artillery Reserve Regiments are automatically Member Organisations of the NAA.  In addition, the Trustees are working closely with RHQ RA to explore developing closer links with the RA badged detachments of the Army Cadet Force and the Combined Cadet Force.

A membership list is maintained by the Honorary Secretary.  Due to the constraints of current privacy legislation the names of members are not displayed on this website.

The Trustees welcome applications from any persons who qualify within the above criteria to become Individual Members of the NAA.

Guidance notes and application forms are set out below….


Becoming an Individual Member and Individual Membership Subscriptions

The Trustees encourage all past and present serving members of the Royal Artillery Reserves to become a an individual Member because of the following reasons:

All Members are asked to contribute an annual subscription of £20 which together with Gift Aid does provide an on-going source of funding.  Subscriptions provide an additional source of income and helps, therefore, to replenish funds rather than just relying on the increase in the value of investments.

In addition, an individual member (whose name is on the membership list and who pays the above annual subscription of £20) is entitled to vote at a general meeting of the Charity.

Get in touch

It is important to the Trustees and the future of the NAA that we engender as much interest and enthusiasm for the NAA as possible to enable us to continue to achieve our objectives.

Please either: