The NAA – Charitable Status

The NAA is an “un-incorporated Association” governed by a Constitution dated 26th July 2018 (“the Constitution”).  It has ‘Excepted Charity’ status.

CrestCharitable Objects and Legal Responsibilities

The ‘Excepted Charitable’ status was officially confirmed by the Charity Commission in March 2019.  This means that the NAA is ‘excepted’ from registration on the Charity Commission’s Register and does not have a charity registration number (in common with some other military charities).

The NAA is still, however, subject to charity law and to regulation by the Charities Commission.  In addition, the NAA Trustees have the same responsibilities as the trustees of any other charity and must ensure that all activities and funding activities comply with the above Guidance.

The Charitable Objects of the NAA (as set out within the Constitution and in accordance with the above guidelines) are:

‘to promote the military efficiency and morale of the Royal Artillery Reserve including advancing the science and practice of artillery and fostering the traditions of the Royal Artillery.’

The Charity Commission confirmed in 2013 that it is charitable to promote the efficiency of the armed forces of the Crown as a means of defending the country.  This includes not only ensuring that those forces are properly trained and equipped during times of conflict but also providing facilities and benefits in the interim – Charity Commission for England & Wales Charitable Purposes Guidance dated 16 September 2013.

Annual Trustee Reports and Financial Statements

Matthew Taylor is the ‘Finance Trustee’ and has been a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales since 1994.

Annual Trustee Reports and Financial Statements are produced for each financial year (1st July to the 30th June) in accordance with the Charities Act 2011.  Each years Financial Statements are examined by an Independent Examiner.

The charitable resources of the NAA at the end of the 2021-2022 financial year totalled £117,164 although this includes a professional valuation figure of £39,922 for the NAA’s trophies (Balance Sheet – page 7 of the 2022 Accounts).  As such, the Trustees do not have unlimited resources available to them and it would be remiss of the Trustees to simply rely upon investment income as its primary source of on-going funding.   An annual Membership subscription of £20 has, therefore, been requested from all Members from 2020.

Click on the appropriate Annual Report and Financial Statements below:

105 Regiment firing a Royal Salute from Edinburgh Castle in the photo to your left

Get in touch

It is important to the Trustees and the future of the NAA that we engender as much interest and enthusiasm for the NAA as possible to enable us to continue to achieve our objectives.

Please either: